Let's look at the goals and compare.
Week Ending January 14, 2018
- visit the gym at least twice (no visits)
- participate in at least one group class at the gym (no visits)
visit the ROM at least once- COMPLETED- work out at least three times (none)
- get steps goals at least three times of 5K or more (only once)
- go to work all five days (missed Friday)
- complete SBK up to June 2016 (no)
- complete HSKBK May 2017 (no)
- put 5% of received pays into my savings account (gross) (no pays this week)
practice Spanish every day- COMPLETED- pick up a new phone (delaying)
- cut out gluten (mostly)
- make a smoothie for breakfast at least two times this week (no)
I was having such a tough time this week with pain that I didn't want to push it so I didn't go to the gym and didn't do any workouts. I am upset about this, but I know forcing myself would have only made my body worse.
I only went over 5,000 steps one day, and that was the day I visited the ROM. However, I did get very close on 4 other occasions (4,968, 4,883, and 4,617) so I don't feel too horrible about this when taking into account my pain levels. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were almost complete washes however during the highest levels of pain those days. Saturday I spent pretty much the entire day in bed.
I did get a new Fitbit badge though! Not too shabby having only received the Fitbit on Christmas day!
I ended up missing work Friday due to the pain levels. I am hoping my body is slowly getting used to working regularly again and will actually be able to make it through an entire 5 day work week this week.
I visited the ROM on Tuesday and chose the Wildlife Photographer of the Year as my first exhibit to visit. I really enjoyed it. I was happy to have at least one wolf picture in the exhibit and even picked up a postcard as a memento.
I have decided to delay my phone pickup for the time being until I see how my health hopefully stabilizes. No need for a new phone if I end up losing my job due to illness.
The gluten I did cut out, but then my loving husband made dinner one night and completely forgot and made something with gluten in it, and I had no idea until it was too late. Poor guy felt so horrible when we figured it out. Oh well, at least he will remember next time!
I have been enjoying learning Spanish with Duolingo. The program says I am 15% fluent now, but I highly doubt that. But I do know how to say the cat eats ducks in Spanish...although I have no idea why I would ever need to say that!
Let's hope for a better week next week, although it's not looking good at this point as the pain levels are still incredibly high... I am going to reduce them a bit for the coming week.
- visit the gym at least once
- participate in at least one group class at the gym
- visit the ROM at least once
- work out at least three twice
- get steps goals at least three times (5K or more)
- go to work all five days
- complete SBK up to June 2016
- complete HSKBK May 2017
- put 5% of received pays into my savings account (gross)
- practice Spanish every day
- cut out gluten
- make a smoothie for breakfast at least two times this week
- study at lunch at least twice this week
I think that's it for this week! Hopefully much better results next check in!